// Variables const myBox = document.getElementById("box"); let myNumber = 9; //const is a constant, cannot be altered //let is dynamic and can be assigned many different contents //var is old school - can be redefined many times, even on same block | Not recommended anymore, still works though //nameless function function() { //do stuff } //named function function myCoolAction() { // do stuff.. } myCoolAction(); // this will execute that function // different way of executing functions right away (function myCoolAction() { // do stuff.. })(); // Conditionals if(x == 5) { //do something } else { //do nothing } // multiple conditions if(x == 5) { //do something } else if(x == 6) { //do something else } else { //do nothing } /// Comparison operators /* == is equal to != is NOT equal to > greater than < smaller >= greater than or equal to <= smaller than or equal to optional/additional "same type" checking === is equal to AND of same data type !== is NOT equal to OR of same data type MULTIPLE Conditons in one single condional && AND || OR */ let x = 5; let y = 7; if(x == 5 && y == 7) { alert("Excellent"); } if(x == 5 || x == 7) { alert("fantastic"); } // Data types // Boolean true or false let lightIsOn = false; lightIsOn = true; if(lightIsOn) { playSound(); } else if(!lightIsOn) { redirectToScene1(); } /// this is the same as if(lightIsOn == true) { etc. } // Arrays let myCars = ["Audi", "Crysler", "BMW"]; myCars[0] // that would be "Audi" for(let i = 0; i < myCars.length; i++) { console.log(myCars[i]); } myCars.forEach(function(item, index, arr) { console.log(item); }) // i++ means i = i + 1 // i += 1 myCars[2] = "Volvo";